As brand design specialists, we know that the client’s identity is the single most important mark of their company – it is the simplest expression of their business. Designing and creating logos from original concept, we can work on a unique design which represents them or their company. This can be done for SMEs (small and medium enterprises) and start-up companies or existing companies that want to redesign something fresh and exciting.

With something so important, it is clear there is much more to developing a brand identity than creating a pretty picture. Our designers are geared to present the client with authority, clarity and answering attention to detail.


We design and have a number of in-house templates that are computer, mobile device, and user friendly.

These can be tailored for regular business websites, portfolios, stores, restaurants, or just personal space. All our Websites are clean, minimal and effective, always keeping the end user in mind.  In addition to our custom templates and responsive designs, Tanabi offers content writing and effective e-mail campaign services.

We offer very competitive rates and have a dedicated small business team who are extremely reliable and on hand for 24/7 support. At Tanabi, we work with safe and reliable hosting companies where internal controls are in place to ensure clients get maximum uptime (with no downtime), maximum speed, and optimized location assistance (in addition to content and backlinks) in both the UK and the US.

Brand Design
Brand + Website Design
  • Brand + Website Design From
  • £500
  • +VAT
Brand, website, SEO.
  • Brand Design, Website, SEO + 12 Month Hosting From
  • £750
  • +VAT